Profile Names and Handles

Profile names and handles will be provided by UCOMM to all registered and approved social media accounts. Like the profile imagery, there will be natural variations in the names and handles provided by UCOMM given the length of names vs. the amount of characters allotted by the social media channels. Please note that in many cases, the full name of the unit will not be possible in the name or handle sections, but should be mentioned in the biography to enhance searchability of full unit names. More information is provided in the account biography section below.
Correct naming: UNC Charlotte Admissions
Incorrect naming: UNCC Admissions, Admissions
Correct @handle: @CLTAdmissions
Incorrect @handle: @UNCCAdmissions, @AdmissionsUNCC
Account Biographies
Account bios represent prime real estate to tell users what they can expect from your social media feeds. Because character limits prohibit the use of full names of departments or colleges in many cases in the name and handle, use the full name of your unit in your social media biographies for better search results. When writing account bios, it’s helpful to pull from your mission statement to use the space wisely.
Correct bio: UNC Charlotte’s Division of Student Affairs: Developing thoughtful, community-minded and engaged leaders and citizens of the world at @unccharlotte
Incorrect bio: Official Twitter account of UNC Charlotte’s Division of Student Affairs